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6 Reasons Why You Should Prioritise Building a Mobile App over a Mobile Website

We are in the midst of a mobile revolution, and over 3 billion people will own smartphones by the year 2020. In fact, the number of smartphone users is more than desktop PC users at the moment. Businesses worldwide are waking up to this phenomenon and are attempting to take advantage of it by making their offerings available via apps and mobile friendly websites.

However, not all companies have the budget to build both mobile-friendly websites and apps. If that is you, here are some of the main reasons why you should prioritise building a mobile application over a site:

Catering to Customer Expectations

Research tells us that customers prefer apps over mobile websites because they are more convenient to use and also faster. Apps are made exclusively for smaller screens – unlike most web pages – allowing you to offer a much better user experience. The data tells us that users spend 86% of their smartphone time on apps, and only 14% on their web browsers.

Personalized Services

With apps, businesses can provide personalised services on a level websites just don't allow, like the ability to manage an account without having to log out all the time. Users can also be targeted with personalised advertisements and loyalty discounts.

Offline Availability

Unlike web pages, an application doesn’t need the internet to function. Consequently, it will be available to customers even when they’re offline and on-the-go. It also won’t consume as much data, which is a good thing for customers.

Notification Support

There is no better medium to engage with clients than mobile applications, especially with social media integration. With the help of notifications, you can keep users coming back to your product after specific event triggers. You can also keep them notified of new product releases and offers.

Faster Operation

The number one attraction of building a native application is how quickly it works, as compared to mobile websites. Where a web page may take up to 5 seconds to load, a well-optimized application can load in under 2 seconds.

Branding Capabilities

An app is the perfect branding vehicle for your business, and it has allowed top companies to dominate their individual niches. By remaining a constant presence on a user’s home screen, it keeps your business always in the back of their minds.

However, sometimes a responsive website is the better choice for some businesses. If you don’t know what’s right for your unique business, you can consult with Openwave’s experienced mobile app development team to find out.

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